Goodyear EfficientGrip Cargo 2

The Goodyear EfficientGrip Cargo 2: 38% improved durability and 8% sorter braking distance*

  • Durability Plus Technology: 38% Improved Durability*. New compound results in higher resistance at high temperatures. The tread has more resillience against harsh road conditions.
  • Wet Braking Technology: 8% Shorter wet braking*. A new traction resin helps the compound to deform during the wet braking maeuver which results in a higher braking efficiency, thus shorter braking distance.


The Goodyear EfficientGrip Cargo 2: 38% improved durability and 8% sorter braking distance*

Excelling in durability and wet performance, the Goodyear EfficientGrip Cargo 2 has 38% improved durability and 8% shorter braking distance on wet roads. * Internal test, comparison with predecessor EfficientGrip Cargo.

The advantages of the Goodyear EfficientGrip Cargo 2 at a glance:

  • Durability Plus Technology: 38% Improved Durability*. New compound results in higher resistance at high temperatures. The tread has more resillience against harsh road conditions.
  • Wet Braking Technology: 8% Shorter wet braking*. A new traction resin helps the compound to deform during the wet braking maeuver which results in a higher braking efficiency, thus shorter braking distance.
EFFICIENTGRIP CARGO 2 - Nyári Tire - 215/65/R16/106H

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